Some news again, but this time i'm afraid they are bad.
0 comments Posted by Altair2 at Wednesday, January 28, 2009Hello everyone, this time I bring some bad news, at least for me, my computer had a crash and now i'm going to fix, so I'll only be able to post again when my computer come back from repair.
I assume that it will take 3 days more or less.
As soon as i get it i'll post some news here.
Dear readers and followers of this blog, I bring some news.
At monday i'm going to travell to the beach, and there, I imagine, there is no way to update this blog, maybe if there is some kind of cyber cafe ( place to access internet), i shall post some news, but if there is no cyber cafe or internet at all, i'll only update the blog Saturday 24th.
Thank you every visitor of this blog!
Thanks to you all, we've managed to get 1000 visitors!
Well, almost 1000 views, so I must thank you all, whoever you guys are ( leave a comment with you nickname of the TaleWorlds Forum if you want, please), so now that i have 50 views average per day, i'll focus more on this blog, also, this my first successfull blog ( my other one got 10 views in a week).
Cheers, Altair2.
The Story of Diev, Chapter 2, The Path of a Warrior, Part II of III
0 comments Posted by Altair2 at Saturday, January 10, 2009As soon as Diev entered in Rane, he went to the nearest tavern and there he rested until dawn, he spent 4 hours exploring the city, he changed his wolf fur for a peasant cloth, because the fur was almost in pieces from the last fight.
He had anough money to buy some leather archer's glove, so he could use his bow without fear of hurting his fingers, and also a chain boots,his older boots were no more because of the travel he did.
After buying some food for travel and drinking a cup of ale in the tavern, he left Rane to explore the world. Pendor was too much different from his land, while Pendor had trees, cristaline lakes and giant mountains, his land only had caves inside some hill, there were no colors like green or blue in Nar Khazdul, only a monotonous grey.
When Diev was a mile away from Rane he got ambushed again by some bandits, but this time he was ready for everything, as soon as he saw the first bandit he had already released an arrow in it's direction, the third arrow released hit the bandit's head, the other five bandits, amused by Diev's skill with a bow, ran in fear untill they were a mile away, while the bandits flee in terror, Diev killed two more with arrows.
When he felt he was safe again, he realized he was near the village of Orin, home of a friend of Diev's fathar called Anhalmar. Anhalmar was an old man now, he was nearly his 70th winter, he had three sons, two fell to snake cult armies, and one hit the adulthood one winter ago. This man, Altnûmbar, accepted the request of help of Diev, and joined Diev's quest to honor their parents, brothers and fathers.
The Story of Diev, Chapter 2, The Path of a Warrior, Part I of III.
0 comments Posted by Altair2 at Monday, January 05, 2009When Diev stopped running he realized that Rane was near, he knew that because the he could saw the ocean and the green lands that surround Rane. The sky was as dark as the void, and some little bright points, called Tähteä (stars) by his people in the North of Pendor, the round silver mark on the sky, called Mēness (moon), illuminated his way to a enormous tree, where Diev made his camp and there slept untill early morning. While organizing his things back on his horse, some bandits appeared.
From his position, Diev only saw two of them comming, and considering the place he was, he had the advantage. The battlefield was a hill with a great tree on top of it, Träd Hill was its name. Diev got his bow from his back and like a hunter killing deers he killed both bandits. But, there were more than two bandits, there were nine bandits, and with two killed, seven bandits were comming on foot towards Diev's direction. The bandits were throwing rocks and knives on Diev, missing for 1 inche at most, Diev was young and agile, with his 19 years he were as agile as the olympics runners.
He managed to avoid the projectiles and still fire his hunting bow, while one arrows was in middle air, another was being released. He managed to kill four more before they came closer enough to Diev's axe reach their heads, one of the bandits swinged his knife at Diev's leg, making an almost harmless cut through his skin. Two bandits were on the ground with their heads separated from their body when the last bandit runned, with his might bow he released his last arrow that hit the bandits head, entering on the back of his head and leaving at the left eye.
Diev was tired of the fight but he managed to get on his horseback and left to the West, to Ravenstern city.
The Story of Diev, Chapter I, The Birth of a Hero.
0 comments Posted by Altair2 at Friday, January 02, 2009Diev arrived from the frozen north country of Nar Khazdul, his father, Woden, was a veteran warrior who once was a proud guard of the King of Ravenstern. But Fortune didn't smile to his family and for him, in an invasion of their village, some barbarians killed Woden and Diev's mother in the middle of a party.
The barbarians were from the Myst Mountains, and as a normal barbaric tribe they had their druid, a 7 feet tall skinny man called Slav Mörker, he captured the child Diev to make a sacrifice to the barbaric God of War and Death, Herdzûl, for another succesfull raid.
Diev was taken to one of the highest peek at the Myst Mountains and from there was thrown to the void known as Svärt Hull, but what Slav didn't expected, happened, an eagle with the size of a bull, one of the few survivors of the Old Eagle war with the Noldor, caught Diev while he was falling.
The eagle took Diev to the city of Rane and there gave him to a couple of merchants, Diev spent his entire childhood as a street child, fighting for food and stealing from others, because his adoptive parents stoped giving him the money for food as soon as their child came to the world.
As soon as he became older he got angry with the nobility for their arrogance for the poor people, and soon started to hunt and steal wild pigs and other rare animals meat and body parts of enough value, from the king's forest, and giving to the poors and of course taking his part from it.
As the time passed he felt that the life of stealing from the rich and selling to the poor wasn't enough to honor his real parents memory. He ran from Rane to the training field to start his life of a Ravenstern soldier, untill his group headed by an angry man named Tarkûli, got ambushed by a group of renegade knights, his entire group was dead at the afternoon minus him and Tarkûli.
Tarkûli was yelling with Diev, when a black arrow pierced the angry man's heart. The arrow was followed by 4 more, hitting Diev's shield. Diev ran away from the battlefield on the back of his young horse, Altinmer, when he was miles away from the battlefield, he realized his life of an adventurer has just began...